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Team Rosters
Game Schedules
Field Locations
Football Programs
AP Jr Warriors Board
Capital District Pop Warner
Pop Warner Football Rules
Girls Flag Football Presentation
We will again overtake The Joe for a Valleycats game on Sunday 8/11/24 @ 5pm. There will be fireworks after the game. Players are ...
Please consider supporting APJW and pick up some swag! There are 5 more days left to guarantee your items arrive for the first ga...
July 20th Mandatory Paperwork Drop-off & Equipment Pickup@ Butler Park July 23rd Risk Management (for sideline staff) @ Town Libra...
Please checkout our REVISED Team Picture Schedule for Wednesday, October 5th.
7/25-7/28 Jr. and Sr. Tackle players will be coached by the APHS staff and Players.
All level coaches must attend. 6pm Butler Park
Sr. and Jr. Tackle equipment tackle pick up. 9am at Butler Park
Registration for Fall Football will Close for the year
Football camp for Junior and Senior Tackle football players will be from Monday July 25th - Friday July 29th. Camp runs from 6-8 P...
From 7/29-8/1/22, you are eligible to receive a 20% discount off your entire purchase with this coupon. Make sure to have the coup...
Averill Park High School
Butler Park
Averill Park Jr Warriors P.O. Box 561 Averill Park, New York 12018
Email: [email protected]